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×No matter the building, we always start at the same place. People.
IN2 are committed to designing ingenious engineering solutions to make spaces better. We deliver innovation, passion and professionalism consistently across every single project. Our truly progressive approach to building services, energy efficiency and sustainable designs is bespoke to the unique needs of the building and its people.
IN2’s team of highly experienced Chartered Engineers have a proven track record in solving complex Building Services Engineering challenges.
Together we have developed a specialist in-house expertise in MEP Design and Sustainability. This allows IN2 the capability and experience to deliver outstanding low-energy projects from Conceptual Design, through to Building Handover and beyond.
The IN2 Academy provides an unrivalled tried and tested training programme for recent graduates and placement students, helping them to gain new skills with hands on experience, giving them the opportunity to enhance their theoretical and practical knowledge while exploring a range of specialisms in the built environment.