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IN2 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

10th June 2024
IN2 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

IN2 is committed to a workplace environment that promotes diversity and inclusion and creates an open and inclusive culture where everyone feels valued.

IN2 believes that embracing equality and diversity in the workplace benefits not just the organisation but also individual employees, divisions and our clients. All our employees bring their own background, work style, distinct capabilities, experience and characteristics to their work. We recognise that our very talented and diverse workforce reflects the diversity of our clients and markets and we want to utilise the widest range of skills, knowledge and experience in our business while complying with legislation.

We recognise that a “one-size-fits-all” approach to managing people does not achieve fairness and equality of opportunity for everyone. As well as treating people with dignity and respect, IN2 strives to create a supportive environment in which all employees can flourish and reach their full potential, regardless of differences, experience or education. Harnessing the wide range of perspectives this diversity brings, promotes innovation and helps make us more creative and competitive.

IN2 is committed to an inclusive working environment which respects diversity of characteristics including but not limited to sexual orientation, age, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, civil status, personality, thinking style, family status, membership of the traveller community and religious beliefs. We will formulate and implement policies and practices that value diversity, provide equality of opportunity and ensure that no job applicant, employee, client or business associate receives less favourable treatment. We will also ensure that other policies and practices reflect our commitment to treating people fairly, promoting an integrated way of working and respecting the dignity of employees at all times. We offer a safe space for those with diverse perspectives so that they can ask questions and their concerns can be understood and addressed with empathy.

IN2 has established a committee to ensure we are constantly striving to promote diversity and inclusion within our employees, clients, and all people we engage with.

This overall policy is supported by appropriate harassment and bullying policies, and disciplinary and grievance procedures. Employees who believe they have suffered discrimination, harassment or victimisation are entitled to raise matters through the appropriate IN2 grievance procedures or the harassment and bullying policies. A copy of these policies/procedures can be obtained by contacting HR or alternatively logging into the Bamboo Portal. Complaints will be treated seriously and will be dealt with in a confidential, expeditious manner in as far as reasonably practicable. Employees who make complaints will not be victimised for doing so. Victimisation, if proven, may result in disciplinary action which could result in a sanction of up to and including dismissal. Employees should be aware that making a false allegation deliberately and in bad faith will be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our disciplinary procedure. Pursuance of complaints through these internal procedures does not prejudice an employee in pursuing matters through other available means.

This policy does not alter or amend employees’ contracts of employment or form a part of any such contract of employment. IN2 may amend or change this policy from time to time.