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×IN2 was appointed to design an overall solution for the overheating issues at Ballymena Health and Care Centre, located at Braid Valley Hospital. A relatively new site, our expertise was enlisted in September 2018.
Our engineers carried out a detailed environmental audit which included Dynamic Simulation Modelling of the site. Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DSM) was carried out and used to inform the dynamic thermal model of the site. This meant IN2 could predict the potential temperatures during hot summer spells using natural ventilation and calculate the likely cooling loads. The results of the thermal modelling also enabled a range of remedial options to be considered.
The DSM analysis undertaken predicted similar discomfort conditions through summertime which had been identified by buildings users. This overheating was determined to be associated with a combination of high occupancy density and high solar heat gains, which in some instances were found to be non-compliant with regards to Building Regulations. In addition, the overheating was further exacerbated by inoperable window openings and high external temperatures as occurred through summer 2018.
IN2's bespoke ventilation strategy for the building was based on high efficiency VRF comfort cooling systems. This consisted of high and low level units across the main floor area.
This solution greatly improved comfort conditions within the space for all staff who had been subject to very high internal temperatures, particularly in the summer months.